At the end of the year I square up my donations in order to meet the fuzzy target I set for that year. There is really no reason why I need to do this by the end of the year. It is mostly a habit from back when there was a tax advantage to donating smaller amounts while using the standard deduction.
Here is my general methodology:
Throughout the year when anyone I know (friends, family,... [read more]
I have been trying to bring back SF casual carpool since it ended with the pandemic. Here are some of the things I/we have done between September 2022 and August 2023.
Things I have tried
Waiting at the North Berkeley passenger line daily, using both and the RapidCarpool app
I have done this for close to a year, waiting 20 minutes a day. I get picked up around once a... [read more]
When I was working at The Public Library of Science (PLOS), one of my co-workers ran into Richard Stallman on the streets of San Francisco - presumably flown in to give a talk at some local conference.
Somehow my co-worker talking him into giving a talk at PLOS. After all, our mission (making science/research free and accessible to all), is somewhat parallel to the mission of the The Free Software... [read more]
When I was living in New Haven there was a thriving Pecha Kutcha group, so I gave a couple talks.
Here is my 6 minute introduction to free/libre software, for non-technical people.
... [read more]