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Jono's Corner

Talk: Financial Independence

In 2018, my buddy Jory John was nudging me to read and listen to some personal finance stuff that was going around. I enjoyed it, and it was a wake up call for me to get my ducks in order.

I made plans to aggressively pay off our debts, learned how to methodically save, consolidated my accounts, and figured out index fund investing for retirement (which I had always felt daunted by).

After enthusiastically talking with friends about my findings and recommending books, my co-worked suggested I make a brown bag talk about it for the office. Slides and source here.

This is not the favorite of my talks, but I have given it several times. These day when I present it, I like to focus on credit card churning - since it can be fun and people always have the most questions about it. Its a little more enjoyable then giving blanket financial advice like: Don't buy that Starbucks coffee every morning. Instead you could invest that spending and become a millionaire by the time you are 40.

These days when someone wants to dip their tow in financial independence, I suggest reading The Simple Path To Wealth.